Thursday, January 3, 2013

One Word 2013: Wholly

I first read about One Word at the beginning of 2012 and tucked it in the back of my mind as something to think about doing for 2013. As the new year approached this winter I started seeing One Word mentions everywhere, and I'm so grateful for the reminders from all corners of the blogosphere! I started asking God what my word should be during the Christmas season, and the one He brought me to kind of surprised me. I think that it's going to be just what I need for this year, though!

When I first thought about the word Wholly, the words entirely and fully came to mind. I often struggle to be entirely and fully present with where I am and what I'm doing. It's easy to dwell on the past or future and completely forget to be in the present. As I looked up other definitions for Wholly I found that it has a much deeper meaning than I realized, and really will be a good challenge to grow this year. Some of the other definitions I found are: entirely, the whole amount, involving all, complete, undivided, not broken. Not only that, but the word Wholly is used in the Bible to describe sacrifices to God and those who love Him being wholly devoted to Him. 

So I feel like God is calling me to be whole this year: wholly present with my family, putting my whole self into the things He is calling me to, and following His leading to become a more whole, complete person. Whether it's being a wife and mama, tending a garden, raising chickens, menu planning, budgeting wisely, or seeking God, I'm feeling called to be dedicated wholly to whatever I set my hands to. 

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